Sunday, April 7, 2013


We took a trip down south this past weekend.
St. George and Manti temples happened on Monday and Tuesday.

I absolutely love the Manti temple. They're all amazing but Manti is so cool. Loved it.
Bountiful temple happened on Wednesday.

Sad story for my little sister: both St. George and Manti baptistries were closed the days we went so she couldn't do baptisms. Bummer. :(

Temples are awesome, you guys. The fact that families are so important that there are places on this earth where special ordinances are performed for the family is AWESOME. Families are forever. There is life after death and our families are part of it. Our families will be there. I am so grateful that I can be with my family forever. I'm grateful for the sealing power that allows it. I'm grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and what He has done for me, individually, and for my family. I can't wait to teach people about forever families.

5 more temples.

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